Sunday, September 28, 2014

Can't do the time, Don't do the Crime

Dear Reader,

Though Voltaire's Candide, we see the main character's, Candide, ideas put to the test. In short he is put through a set of punishments. If you have ever read the book, you know that these circumstances are rather extreme. And as they are there to make a point in the real world, how just does it seem to the character. In truth, Candide's only crime is that of being ignorant, which is not a justification for his extreme punishments. I do not think he should be punished in such an extreme way, actually I do not think he should be punished at all for his ignorance. He should be taught to see a better way. After all, it is not his fault, but rather Pangloss' for imposing such ignorance. But then the question becomes about if the punishments are just for Pangloss. The answer is still no. I do not think that people should be punished for their beliefs. We are free to believe in what we want, and there should be no punishments for that.

That's what I think at least,

Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Modern Gadfy

Dear Reader,

Sorry that I am late with this post, I've been out of town and away from my computer. But I am here now, and have been asked to consider the "Modern Gadly." However, I believe the gadfly has now gone extinct. No one stands out anymore. No one wants to enlighten anyone. Based on the world we live in, it's all about money. And there is no money in questioning people, unless you're a cop. But most people are not cops and therefore don't truly question people or the problems with society. After people like Socrates, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King, Jr. no one dared to complain anymore. These people were killed for what they believed in. It sort of seems like a trend. One that people are to afraid to follow now a days. I'm not saying that we should all be gadflies. I'm just saying that no one wants to do it anymore, we're all content with the world we live in it seems. That or we are to afraid to try.

As always,

Friday, September 12, 2014

The unexamined Life.

Dear Reader,

Socrates once said "the unexamined life is not worth living," but how true is this statement? We are all living, and at one point in time, we do look at why we are here and what we are doing. Or at least the majority, I would say, has done this. So is there life worth living more than someone who has not taken the time?
While we all deserve life, why should we live if we have no purpose, or one that we understand. Everything and everyone fills some purpose in some way, shape, or form. The bum on the corner may have a purpose, but not taken the time to understand it, but it doesn't mean he deserves to die.
What is the time span in which we are given to examine are lives anyways? A child doesn't look at their lives to examine their purpose, they don't have the mental capacity, unless they are some sort of philosophical prodigy. That child doesn't deserve to die because of circumstances they cannot control. That would be cruel and stupid.
But that is an extreme. But what of a man who is middle aged? They haven't examined their own life yet, maybe they haven't had that necessity. Do they deserve to die? Does someone deserve to less because they haven't had the necessity to examine their life. Why is their life less than our?
I don't think so. I think we all are the same worth, whether or not we have examined our lives. Understanding what we are here to do isn't necessary to have a good life. A good life doesn't need a purpose. Maybe inlgnorance is bliss.


Friday, September 5, 2014

The Eulogy of Me

Hello reader,

Allow me to introduce myself.
I am a person. I guess I should start off with that. On top of that I am hybrid. A black person with freckles. It's crazy. But not really since I'm also white, it really all makes sense when you think of it. Anyways, along with being the hybrid that I am, I am also an artist. Or at least I say that I am, I don't know how much credit that deserves. I have always enjoyed drawing, I don't think I can say that I loved it until I became older and actually was "good" (good being suplbjective to everyone, so I might jot be good to some. Though for the most part most people will say that I am. Mostly I am the only one who hates everything that I do.) I have been so engrossed in the arts that I plan on majoring in it in college, I hope this doesn't make me lose any credibility that I may have had. If it helps, I plan on being a medical illustrator, so I will have a job. Besides that I live life how it is. The only major plan I have is to be able to travel the world, otherwise I'm taking it one step at a time.

That's all for now,