Friday, January 23, 2015

Frankl-y Speaking

Speaking frankly, I appreciate Viktor Frankl's ideas. While I don't necessarily agree (more on that later), I can see the value in his creative thinking. Given what he has had to go through it is especially fitting as well. I guess I should describe what he thought instead of just talking about it like you already know. So lets go.
Viktor Frankl was one of the lucky/unlcuky to have to lived through the holocaust (lucky since he survived, unlucky since he had to experience it). He says that he is able to do by giving his life meaning and holding on to this meaning. It is this meaning that he draws his strength from and is able to survive the atrocities of the concentration camps. This is where he comes up with his idea for logo-therapy, the idea that man is always searching for a meaning. This meaning can be anything, whether big or small, and it just has to give purpose to someones life. 
This is very helpful in the sense of motivating people and encouraging them. However I do not believe that there always has to be a meaning in life. I think we can just live life. I think that by always searching for a meaning we are never really happy with what we have and we never appreciate where we have come. I don't think that we should stop trying to better ourselves, but that shouldn't be our purpose or meaning. There is much we can appreciate by just enjoying the moment and not clinging to desires not yet achieved, but that can't be achieved if we seek it. I want people to enjoy their lives. I want people to be free from a constant sort of struggle, and Viktor Frankl endorses this inner struggle, or tension as he calls it, and that is why I don't agree with him. When you realize that nothing last, why put a meaning on it? 

1 comment:

  1. I think you agree with Frankl more than you think; you simply have different ways of saying it. For instance, when you talk about appreciating the moment, I would say that is similar to finding meaning in the moment. It may be trivial, but I think there is a difference between finding things meaningful and finding "a meaning." You want people to enjoy there lives, and for some that can mean acknowledging meaning. I like that you mention that we can still better ourselves without having it be our purpose and meaning because it shows that you value awareness of the self.
