Tuesday, October 14, 2014

How do I Know What I Know?

Dear reader,

How is it that anyone know truly knows anything? Is it because we are told so?Is it one of the great facts of life like how the sky is blue? Is it because everyone else believes it so it must be true? Is is subject to our own experiences? If knowledge derives from any of those examples, the only one that could be qualified would be through experience. How can we justify that because someone told us it was right? That we just know the sky is blue to a blind person, one who has never seen the sky? That because everyone else agrees with it that it is right? There is no way. Knowledge derives from experiences and experiences are personal. But wait! This would make knowledge subjective, and how can something that is known be subjective. The only person it is known to is the one who has experienced it. Experience is the only way to prove how I know what I know. It's not about showing it off afterwards and forcing it on other people. Knowledge is different from person to person as no two people experience things the exact same way.

Goodbye for now

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you about how the only way to know something is to experience it yourself. Being told things doesn't mean that they are necessarily true, so one needs to experience it to know for sure.
