Monday, October 20, 2014

We Still Haven't Figured it Out Yet

What have we figured out? The circumference of the Earth (24,901 miles), how many molecules are in a cubic meter (depends on the molecular make up), how to send robots to Mars. While these are all well and good, what difference do they make in our lives? Have we really figured out anything that is important to who we are as human being and what we are supposed to do.

We still haven't figured out how to be happy. How to love and accept one another. To not kill one another mindlessly. We've been on this planet for quite some time and we still haven't figured it out. Haven't learned that we are all just one race. And as we progress, we figure out how to make fast cars or super computers or 3D televisions, but those aren't fundamental.

We have put off learning the fundamentals so we can focus on other things. Material things, and maybe there isn't anything wrong with that. Besides the fact that no one really knows anything anymore, because all the information you could need is at your fingertips, and we are ever lusting for more as we are force fed the idea that more is good. There might not be anything wrong with that. But I digress. We have strayed to far from trying to learn what is to be a global community, a global family, that it is no longer in out minds and we have yet to figure out what it means.

Maybe a few of us have though. They have looked past the insolent knowledge for that which has true meaning. To those I say, please enlighten us, don't leave us in the dark.

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